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\r\n \r\n The Power of ¡°The Blessing¡± (1 Kings 2:1~10) ¡ç ShiftÅ°¸¦ ´©¸£½Ã°í Ŭ¸¯ÇÏ½Ã¸é ¼º°æÀ» º¸½Ç ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
¡°Now, carefully obey all the commands of the Lord your God... if you obey the Lord, then the Lord will keep His promise... ¡®If your sons carefully live the way I tell them, sincerely, with all their heart, then the king of Israel will always be a man from your family.¡¯¡± (1 Kings 2:3~4 , NIV) Have you heard the saying, ¡°You wonder why I may see more clearly than others? It could be because I stand on the shoulders of giants!¡± \r\n Solomon must have felt awestruck when his father gave him this blessing and challenge. I vividly remember when my dad called me in to his bedside one evening as he felt his life slipping from him. He took my hand, reminded me of my rich heritage in the Lord and challenged me to stay on course and to walk before my child in truth and love. What a treasure to carry in my heart always! \r\n Some of us are so fortunate to have the ¡°shoulders¡± of our ancestors to stand upon as we gaze on Christ. Others of us start that tradition in our families now as we hold on to Him. Whichever path we come from, we can build our future confidently on Him and pass it on to generations yet unborn. What a blessing! Father, help me to walk in Your ways and to act according to Your wisdom, and not mine, in kindness and strength all the days of my life. Help me pass it on to my children in love. In Your Son¡¯s name. Amen. - ANN GRAY, Chattanooga, Tennessee \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
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